
Announcing “Spring Stories”, 2023, @ Bar 74

With spring in the air, ‘Tis Tales are pleased to announce a new collection of traditional tales — Spring Stories — presenting for the first time on the Ides of March — Wednesday, March 15th, 2023, 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start — at Bar 74, Ryde.

Look forward to an enchanting evening of traditional spring tales, featuring gods and goddesses, flowers and fog, making it perfectly balanced between the darkness of winter and the lightness of summer.

Tickets are now available priced £6 in advance (includes booking fee), or on the door.

To secure a ticket for purchase on the door, email:


‘Tis Tales Tellers at IW Story Festival, 2023

As part of the family friendly Isle of Wight Story Festival, ‘Tis Tales tellers Sue and Holly are both in action over the course of the festival.

On Friday, February 17th, 2023, 14:30 – 15:15, Holly will be telling Marvellous Medicine Tales appropriate for children, ages 3-11:

Daring doctors, curious cures and quests for rare ingredients!

Discover some strange historical cures and make a pomander bag to stay healthy and keep foul smells away in this fun, interactive storytelling session.

And on Saturday, February 18th, 2023, 14:30 – 15:15, Sue is a presenting a storytelling set entitled Tales with Legs, particularly suitable for ages 3-11+:

Two legs, four legs, wooden legs, legs of races – these tales might just run away with you, or have you crossed legged or hopping on one leg.  A fun storytelling session with tales of all sorts  for anyone with none, one or more than one.

Both events take place in the Rope Store, at the Quay Arts Centre, Newport. Tickets are required for both events, priced £3. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. All participants need a ticket.


National Storytelling Week, 2023, Event Round-up

As we come to the end of National Storytelling Week, a quick round-up of events that took place over the last or so here on the island.

Last Friday saw internationally renowned storyteller Peter Chand telling a wonderful collection of elephant related tales, from the origin story of the Hindu god of new beginnings, Ganesha, to the title story of the set, Jayamala, and a short, but powerful, tale of the King of the Elephants and the cruelty of man (variant). If you missed the set, ask one of the Island Storytellers to tell you their favourite tale from the evening:-)

When asked for a goto reference book for Indian oral tales, Peter suggested A. K. Ramanujan’s Folktales from India: A Selection of Oral Tales from Twenty-two Languages, 1997.

‘Tis Tales teller, Monty, also had a couple of full-capacity/standing room only “pop-up” venue shows this week, with a performance of Unforeseen Consequences: Travelling the Road at The Athanor museum of curiosities in Ventnor, followed by a lighter set of tales — Unforeseen Consequences: Verging on Nonsense — at Babushka Books in Shanklin.

Huge thanks to Marushka and Reuben, respectively, for providing such wonderful venues, and thanks to all who attended.

PS I also note that it’s Independent Music Venue Week this week. For any old fans of the Stuffies out there (which is to say, The Wonderstuff), Strings in Newport have Miles Hunt on the bill this Saturday doing a solo set…
