activities Island Storytellers

Island Storytellers at Ventnor Fringe, 2023: “Green”

A new gang show from the Island Storytellers will be presented at Ventnor Library on Wednesday, July 26th, 2023, 7.30pm-9.30pm. Tickets: £6, Under 25 £3, Culture / Unlimited Pass 2for1 (pass holders only) available here.

GREEN is life itself. From the smallest flower to the oldest oak; flashing eyes of love to the dark plots of jealous envy; ‘The force through the green fuse drives the flower…’. And don’t forget lizards, parrots and dragons with their GREEN Scales and Tails. Come to hear GREEN stories of every description as told by the Island Storytellers.

The simple art of storytelling has been with us forever, enjoyed by young and old alike, in all parts of the world. Come join us to hear a mix of tales linked together by the colour green, and brought to you by The Island Storytellers, a group of people who meet monthly, keen to keep alive the age old art of oral storytelling and share the pleasure of listening and telling.
This evening of tales will be great for adults and older children. A cosy atmosphere with (green!) refreshments in the break.

Storytelling as living oral culture. Tales for all ages, spoken not read. Because stories aren’t (just) for children.

activities postevent

Taking Somewhen Stories to Calbourne Water Mill

Over the weekend, ‘Tis Tales teller Monty took a selection of stories to the Water Mill at Calbourne.

The weather didn’t really suit telling outside using the rather fantastic story-telling chair, but maybe next time?

And when it came to trying to pull the sword from the stone…?!

We’ll hopefully be taking some tales to other island events over the summer as part of the Somewhen Storytelling initiative, so keep an eye out for details…


‘Tis Tales Tellers at IW Story Festival, 2023

As part of the family friendly Isle of Wight Story Festival, ‘Tis Tales tellers Sue and Holly are both in action over the course of the festival.

On Friday, February 17th, 2023, 14:30 – 15:15, Holly will be telling Marvellous Medicine Tales appropriate for children, ages 3-11:

Daring doctors, curious cures and quests for rare ingredients!

Discover some strange historical cures and make a pomander bag to stay healthy and keep foul smells away in this fun, interactive storytelling session.

And on Saturday, February 18th, 2023, 14:30 – 15:15, Sue is a presenting a storytelling set entitled Tales with Legs, particularly suitable for ages 3-11+:

Two legs, four legs, wooden legs, legs of races – these tales might just run away with you, or have you crossed legged or hopping on one leg.  A fun storytelling session with tales of all sorts  for anyone with none, one or more than one.

Both events take place in the Rope Store, at the Quay Arts Centre, Newport. Tickets are required for both events, priced £3. Children under 12 must be accompanied by an adult. All participants need a ticket.


‘Tis Tales Tellers Telling a Hullabaloo, Autumn 2022

Retrospectively posted, but it’s all about keeping track of the stories and lies…

Taking a step away from a troupe performance, Holly, Monty and Sue and all made individual appearances at the Sandown Hullabaloo science, art and community festival over the weekend.

Featuring early morning breakfast tales, animal tales, and tales of wonder, the three ‘Tis Tales tellers provided tales for all ages at this fantastic island event.


First Show at Ventnor Fringe

Thanks to Ventnor Arts Club, and a great audience, at our Ventnor Fringe performance of “Island Tales”: it was a fantastic venue for a storytelling event — our first in a theatrical setting — and it’d be great to see more storytelling events there.

Huge thanks, too, to the folk at Ventnor Exchange for all they do organising the Ventnor Fringe each year. If you haven’t made it to any events yet, there’s still dozens of events, both ticketed and free, upcoming:


On the Festival Trail

Over the last couple of weekends, we’ve been out and about at various festivals.

A couple of weeks ago, we were all involved with the Spoke’n’Heard tent at RhythmTree Festival, here on the Isle of Wight. With some good turnouts, not least for our headline acts, we’ll be looking to build audiences even more if the Festival will have us back!

Last weekend, Sue and Monty also made a pilgrimage to FATE — Festival at the Edge. This is of the UK’s best, and longest running storytelling festivals, and you can be sure that we’ve brought back many of the tales we picked up there..

The Moon over the Edge

Variously Assembled at RhythmTree Festival, 2022

Although not all appearing on stage at the same time, all three members of ‘Tis Tales will be performing on the Spoke’n’Heard stage at the RhythmTree Festival at Sticelett Farm, Thorness Bay, Isle of Wight, over the weekend 8th-10th July, 2022.

Helping kick things off, Holly & Monty, Friday 8th July, 5pm-6pm, with a set on Fantastical Tales. Followed by an open storyround for anyone wanting to tell a story (max 5mins) of their own.

If the kids won’t give you a festival lie in on Sunday 10th July, 9am-10am, Sue will be opening things up bright and early with some Breakfast Picnic Tales. Coffee and bacon sandwiches welcome, but not provided!

Later on that morning, Sunday 10th July, 11.30am-12.30pm, Monty will be telling some Lost Tales, assuming he’s found them by then, of course…

Closing off the weekend, Sue and Monty will be joined by Steph for a stage finale of Fireside Tales, Sunday 10th July, 9pm-10pm.

Sue and Monty are also curating and hosting the stage throughout the weekend with Steph, another island-based storyteller.
