
An Isle of Wight Miscellany (WIP — POSTPONED)

REGRETFULLY POSTPONED — the coughing, however, continues…:-(

Upcoming this week — Thursday, May 9th, 2024 — ‘TisTales teller Monty will be back at Babushka Books in Shanklin with a set of Island-based tales and legends. The first half of the show will feature a legend of how Godshill got its name, a macabre tale from Arreton, and a well known, and still told, children’s nursery tale that was originally set in Shanklin… The second part will feature a work-in-progress historical tale of life in the city of vice that was Newport in the 1850s, an evangelical preacher with a penchant for publishing inflammatory tracts, and a link to Jane Eyre…

The drill for tickets (£7, including refreshments) is, as ever, to make reservations in advance on 07511 220038‬ / 01983 652880 or via the bookshop direct. Doors are 7pm, with first story at 7.15.

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