events Somewhenever

Storytelling for Science Educators Workshop

Clare Murphy, a highly respected international storyteller will
be leading a storytelling workshop from 9.00-5pm on
Wednesday 6th March, 2024, at Quay Arts, Newport. It will focus on developing new and different ways to communicate [Clare Murphy, training].

Clare says:

Whether you are a climate change scientist, a paramedic, a UN Policy maker, an academic, you need to be able to talk fluently about your work and make an impact on your audience.  Storytelling skills will help you and your team improve your impact and message, no matter what sector you work in.

Clare trains teams and individuals worldwide on storytelling skills.  These skills include managing nerves, preparing presentations, connecting to audience, turning experience into story, story editing, adaptive story formats.  Clare also develops confidence, presence and vocal range, while all the time developing the individual skillset of each person. 

 The evening before, (Tuesday 5th March at 7pm) Clare will be telling ‘UniVerse’ at Quay Arts, Newport.  Clare highly recommends workshop participants attend the storytelling performance, as it will be referenced during the workshop.

The cost per person for the workshop should be £100 but this is subsidised by Arts Council funding so the cost to each participant will be £45. This includes a ticket for UniVerse.

This event is being organised by the Island Storytellers who received a grant to develop storytelling on the Isle of Wight under the banner of Somewhen Storytelling. Please email to reserve a space.

Note, there are only 16 spaces on this course which will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

Supported by Somewhen Storytelling, promoting traditional storytelling as living oral culture on the Isle of Wight, supported by an Arts Council National Lottery Project Grant.

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